Frequently Asked Questions
We are Here to Help You
What is Buprenorphine and how does it work?
Buprenorphine (Zubsolv, Bunavail, Subutex, Suboxone) has been approved for the treatment of opiate dependency and substance use disorder. Buprenorphine has the ability to both activate and block opiate receptors. Naloxone is added to certain formulations as an abuse deterrent.
What is Buprenorphine combat opiate addiction?
Opiates attach to receptors in the brain causing euphoria through dopamine release.Similarly, buprenorphine attaches to those same receptors occupied by opiates absent of euphoria or symptoms of withdrawal.
How long will I be in treatment?
There is not a specified timeframe for treatment. Outpatient treatment for opiate dependency and addiction is based on an individual treatment plan which identifies the severity of one’s disease and establishes recovery goals. The medication treats the physical aspects of the disease. Full recovery requires treatment of the emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of the disease which is obtained through counseling and social services, as well as established support systems.
Do I stop working to enter treatment?
No. We offer extended hours with our providers and services to accommodate work schedules.
What are the side effects?
Mild side effects that may occur are flushing, headache, nausea, sleeplessness, or drowsiness, but have been reported to subside after the first week or so of treatment. This is not a complete list of all potential side effects. If you have questions about side effects, our providers will further discuss your concerns with you.
Is Medication Assisted Treatment replacing one drug for another?
No. Buprenorphine is not an opiate substitute and does not provide feelings of getting ‘high’ or extreme euphoria. It is a safe and effective medication for treating opiate dependency and substance use disorder. Research has identified that patients undergoing Buprenorphine treatment do not suffer the same social and behavioral destabilization that correlates with active drug addicts and abusers.
Does insurance cover treatment?
We currently accept the following insurance providers from Virginia and Tennessee. For a full list of providers click the link below:
About Catalyst Health Solutions
Catalyst Health Solutions is licensed through the State of Tennessee and is designated as a Preferred Provider by the State of Virginia and the Department of Medical Assistance Services.
Upon formation of Catalyst Health Solutions (CHS) in 2013, a policy of transparency and community involvement was established and is maintained through outreach activities and collaborating with local education institutions, law enforcement services, area legislatures, and non-profit agencies. Currently, CHS serves the communities in Upper East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia with a team of devoted physicians and healthcare professionals. CHS is a multi-disciplinary practice providing services for opioid dependency and addiction utilizing medication assisted treatment led by a team of Board Certified Addiction Specialists. Supportive services include psychiatry, OB/GYN, individual and group counseling, and social work. It is the mission of CHS to provide exceptional care and resources to each patient to meet individualized goals.